PhD in Industrial Engineering, PPD in ESADE
Professional Career
After finishing my studies in Industrial Engineering at the University of Zaragoza, I did a PhD in Biomedical Engineering at the Universities of Zaragoza, Oxford (UK) and Compiègne (France). After finishing my PhD I founded EBERS.
Relevant Facts
Two main ones: (i) a strong interest in the business world and a long-standing motivation for entrepreneurship; and (ii) a desire to find practical applications for the basic research carried out at university level.
Three Tips
- 1.- Knowing how to surround oneself adequately with partners, employees and/or partners that complement the shortcomings that the entrepreneurial team may have. 2.- There is funding for good ideas. Obsession with liquidity. 3.- Start full of optimism and willing to make a lot of sacrifices.
Large-scale production of tissues and organs for therapeutic purposes, personalised for each patient in need of them.