The fixed fee consists of an energy optimization project with contractually assured results, at zero cost for the customer.
The fixed fee consists of an energy performance contract designed for small and medium consumers, which manages to eliminate the two main obstacles that the user faces when he wants to reform his installation or consider carrying out an energy optimization project: the high investment that this implies and the uncertainty in the economic and energy savings that he will obtain.
Efitar Ingeniería will assume all the necessary investment for the supply audit, the material execution of the energy optimization project and the maintenance of all the actions that have been implemented.
By signing a service provision contract for a fixed term, in which the fee to be paid is stipulated, the client will know how much he will pay for his energy supply in advance and without any uncertainty.
At the end of the energy performance contract, the customer will be the owner of a fully optimized installation at zero cost, thus turning the two main problems that have been explained above into facilities for the user.