The European Business and Innovation Center of Aragon (CEEIARAGON), an investment instrument of the Government of Aragon, was created in 1992 with the purpose of promoting entrepreneurship, innovation and technological development in the region of Aragon. Since its founding, the entity has worked to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem by creating an environment conducive to business incubation, knowledge transfer and fostering cooperation between the business, education and research worlds.
Over the years, CEEIARAGON has established itself as a benchmark in the management of innovation projects, providing resources and services to entrepreneurs, SMEs and large companies. Its objective has always been to promote competitiveness and sustainability, supporting initiatives that contribute to the economic and social development of Aragon, in line with European and global standards. Among the most successful projects it has supported are: Hiberus, Libelium, Certest Biotec, Exopol, Oscatech, Kineactiv, Endef, Embou, Bitbrain among many other success stories.